If you’ve been keeping up with my blog posts, then you know that my main expertise is nutrition which is why I’ve linked to the pro’s in the fitness field. Most of them also have nutrition aspects to their blogs or businesses because to be truly “happihealthy”, you need to focus on both, nutrition and fitness.
If you say you are looking for a good cardio workout and you’re looking for an easy 1 or 2 mile jog, you could end up doing sprints, jumps, high knees, etc. Cardio is broken up into two main categories, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic, AKA, steady state, is exactly what is in the name, it is a workout that fits a steady pace for an extended period of time, so more like the 1 or 2 mile jog. Anaerobic is more of the sprints, jumps, high knees, etc. and is the category that HIIT workouts fit into.

For aerobic workouts, your heart rate should be about 40-70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR) while anaerobic workouts should be about 70-85% of your MHR.
One of the intensities has become very popular and even has an acronym - HIIT. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. It generally consists of short bursts of intense work. HIIT workouts are very popular because going all out for a short amount of time in workouts raises your metabolism, so you’ll keep burning fat for the next few hours! If you think HIIT is for you but need some more persuading, check out this article from SISSFiT!
What are the benefits of cardio?
Cardio improves heart health and therefore reduces blood pressure and the risks of a stroke, heart attack, heart diseases, and diabetes. Katy Bloxsom (@kbee.fit) explains that HIIT workouts “[rev] up your metabolism and is an effective, shorter cardio session which I love!”
What are some HIIT workouts I can find?
There are so many Instagram accounts with people who focus on HIIT workouts because of its rising popularity, but keep in mind this is a fad, and variety is still the best practice for choosing workouts. All of @sissfit workouts are HIIT and they have created multiple workouts to follow, all of which are slightly different to fit specific needs and what followers enjoy. Lauren (@leb.lifestyle) emphasizes this point saying you should mix up your routine. She is a marathon runner and used to only run...for hours… (I can’t even imagine) but she realized she was getting injured and wasn’t seeing any changes in her body. When she started incorporating strength training as well, she “started to tone up, lean out, and also stay injury free!” Katy Bloxsom (@kbee.fit) has many HIIT workouts on her story, be sure to check them out! Another one of my favorites is GOOD SWEAT from Rachael DeVaux (@rachaelsgoodeats), it has been very popular on Instagram and is a 10-week intense workout program - found on her website.
Weight Training
A lot of people think lifting will only get them larger muscles but that’s not true! Many different goals can be reached through weight training depending on the reps and weight that you lift. Weights can also make a cardio workout harder by holding weights while jogging or walking or could be categorized as a cardio workout, as long as your heart rate is is at least 40% of your MHR.

Naturally, there are different types of weight training workouts to improve either muscular endurance or muscular strength. Endurance is being able to lift a certain amount for a certain amount of reps while strength is maxing out on one rep. So what’s the difference? An increase in muscular strength can be achieved through heavy weights and low reps, that’ll help you bulk up while lighter weights with higher reps will increase your muscular endurance and help get you toned. Overall, it is a good idea to do a little bit of both because in real life, and in the gym, you’ll benefit from muscular strength and endurance. Katy agrees that “weights help you to build that strong foundation” which is so important for almost all aspects of life!
What are the benefits of weight training?
Weight training increase muscle mass, strength, and muscular endurance which can increase your metabolism and cardio because you are burning fat to achieve muscle. It also increases bone density and will help your joints and posture.
What are some weight training workouts I can find?
Katy Bloxsom (@kbee.fit) and SISSFiT (@sissfit) do an excellent job of combining HIIT and weight training! Rachael DeVaux’s (@rachaelsgoodeats) GOOD SWEAT would fit here as well! Madeline Gabourel (@_madhealth) also has some great weight training and bodyweight only workouts with some that incorporate HIIT as well.
Other than the insta-worthy photos and having a reason to buy incredibly expensive yet really comfortable clothes to make a great fit, some people ask “what is yoga good for?” Well, yoga has multiple mental benefits but also some great physical ones too! There are multiple different practices of yoga, but they all focus on breathing and stretching. This can be good to accommodate high levels of stress and anxiety. It will also help joints and ligaments and strengthen muscle. Yoga should be paired with other types of workouts because it is difficult to gain muscle mass or tone down (quickly) with just yoga but keep in mind that yoga can be a great way to prevent injury, lower stress, and keep you flexible...all in all, keep you “happihealthy”!!

You can think of pilates as an increased movement version of yoga. Pilates does incorporate some parts of yoga such as focusing on breathing and stretching but in more of a workout fashion with exercises instead of just stretches and poses. A strong core in pilates is essential because you use it so much, with a strong core, the rest of the body will follow and move easily. A strong core can also prevent injury and can help with lower back pain! From energy, pilates is described as “the balance is meant to be present between flexibility and strength and this results in stronger and leaner muscles”.

So what are more differences between (and other benefits of) pilates and yoga?
Most yoga exercises are done on a yoga mat while pilates can also incorporate exercise machines. Although pilates and yoga both focus on breathing, yoga uses breathing to focus on relaxing while pilates will use breathing to increase energy and relax muscles to increase movement. Yoga is typically better for flexibility while pilates is better for toning and strengthening muscles (AKA getting in shape). Katy says, “yoga helps with a strong core and flexibility/stability that’s helpful in other forms of exercise.” Pilates and yoga are similar and different at the same time, so I recommended trying both (as well as other workouts to keep a balance) and figuring out which works best for you!
What are some yoga routines I can find?
@sarahbethyoga has yoga routines for literally everything!! She posts her routines on YouTube but also has an Instagram. SELF also has some great routines with in depth explanations and a large variety!
What are some pilates workouts I can find?
Most pilates workouts are in classes and in studios but there are some series online! Of course, POPSUGAR fitness does a great one with Amy Jordan (WundaBar Pilates) and Anna Renderer (High Performance Coach - @annarenderer) as a full body pilates workout. Try starting here!
So how much exercise should I get each day?
Being a student-athlete playing multiple sports, I would have some days where I’d spend 6 hours at practices and workouts. Now, I am NOT saying that was good for me nor am I saying that I would want to do that again. Yes, I was in great shape but with that came injuries due to overuse. It is said in an article from the Mayo Clinic that the Department of Health and Human Services recommends for healthy adults to get 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week OR 75 minutes of anaerobic activity a week along with strength training twice a week. If you’re like me, that is nowhere near enough! A good rule of thumb is to move everyday and workout 5-6 days a week with never missing more than 3 in a row.
I’ve mentioned Katy Bloxsom in many of the different categories because she, as well as many others, agree that “they [different workouts] all have value, and including a variety of different workouts in your routine helps to build a well rounded body”. Well said… well said, she hits the nail on the head again! “I don't think any is best though. I think what's most important is that we commit to moving our bodies in a way that we enjoy and that we can maintain! That's going to be different for everyone.” I couldn’t have said it better myself, as in most things with health, moderation and a variety are key to be “happihealthy”!
It's so informative and helpful. Thank you so much for sharing this information. It will be helpful in my life. Here this article is also so informative about fitness, you can visit this https://dailylifedose.com/different-types-fitness-training/