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What's the Buzz About the Bees?

Isobel Matsukas

Updated: Dec 12, 2020

There has been a lot of talk about bees lately and if you’re like me, you’ve been wondering why it really matters. Here’s what you need to know!

Aren’t other insects also pollinators?

Bees are fairly responsible for us to be able to “eat the rainbow” because they are our main source of pollinators. Although it’s true that other insects such as butterflies are able to pollinate plants, bees pollinate 90% of the world’s wild plants through cross-pollination--cross-pollination is when bees take the pollen from one plant and transfers it to another plants’ stigma.

How do bees pollinate?

When a bee lands on a flower, all of the hairs on its body collect pollen and it is able to store it in pockets on their body to carry it back to the nest and to other plants for cross-pollination. Bees were created to be better pollinators than other insects, they are basically pollinator specialists!

Is it true that bees are going extinct? Why do bees need the wildlife?

The bee population has been decreasing for quite a long time and the use of agricultural pesticides are the main culprit. Other reasons for the decline of bees are climate change and the destruction of wildlife. Although most bees dig their nests in the ground, some bees need wildlife to build a nest. All bees fuel off of pollen and nectar, water and sugar produced from plants, so they need wildlife to eat!

What can we do to prevent the increase in the decline of bees?

Since everyone doesn’t have a 142 acre ranch to turn into a bee sanctuary like Morgan Freeman, here are some other ways we can help to prevent the loss of bees.

  • Plant pollinating flowers in a garden or your yard

  • Let weeds and other wild plants live! They are great for bees to pollinate, especially wildflowers!

  • Don’t use pesticides or chemicals on your lawn, go organic!

  • Use local, raw honey - read the label and make sure it is NOT imported and it is NOT treated with chemicals

  • If you have lots of plants around your home, put out some water for the bees to drink, they’re working hard and get thirsty!

  • You can be a beekeeper! Some people who live near me are starting to buy small hives and harvesting honey on their own! Who knows? You might love it!

  • Lastly, bees don’t want to sting you. Just think, if they do, then they’ll lose their stinger and die, so don’t instigate them!

Please, please consider doing one of the mentioned ways to save the bees! I can assure you, they help us “bee happi”!!


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